General Terms and Conditions


The registration is done via our website: Under “Program” select the retreat/course you wish to attend, click on “Register” in the description and fill out the form. There is also the possibility to make personal comments (change of address, allergies etc.). The registration will be confirmed automatically. Your place is now reserved. A few weeks before the seminar starts, we will send you the invoice and general information about the seminar. The invoice amount should be transferred by the day of arrival at the latest or paid in cash or by card (VISA, Maestro, Master-Card) on arrival. 

Bank details:

Recipient: Stiftung Felsentor
IBAN: CH41 0900 0000 6052 0093 5

HypoVereinsbank Munich
Recipient: Stiftung Felsentor
IBAN: DE86 7002 0270 0667 5336 78


In case of a cancellation the following service charges will apply: Up to three weeks before the start of the retreat, a processing fee of 60 CHF will be charged. After that the total amount is due (regardless of whether the amount has already been paid or not). If a replacement person is provided or if someone from the waiting list moves up, the amount paid minus the 60 CHF processing fee will be refunded. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance. In case of cancellation of the retreat by the Felsentor or the teachers, we will refund the full amount.


In the interest of the teachers and all participants, retreats can only be attended as a whole. No price reductions can be given for meals not taken during the retreat, late arrival or early departure. The room is available from 3pm on the day of arrival and until 10am on the day of departure.


The costs for room and board are CHF 95/day in a shared room, CHF 130/day in a double room and CHF 160/day in a single room, plus visitor’s tax CHF 2.70/day. The prices include breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Our kitchen can take into account certain food allergies to a limited extent. Please inform us in advance if you have any special intolerances and clarify before your registration whether you are eligible to participate within the scope of the possibilities we offer.


In order to enable people with no or low income to participate in a retreat, we have set up a solidarity fund: Depending on the funds available, we can grant discounts on request. Otherwise we grant a cost reduction in exchange for an additional helping hand. Possible help can be provided by cleaning the house before/after the retreat (50 CHF/day) and/or help with washing up during the retreat (30 CHF/3x washing up per day). Please inform us before you register about your wish for a reduction as well as the assistance you offer; we will then inform you about the corresponding conditions for participation in the retreat.


We would like to point out that the meditation retreats and seminars are no substitute for psychotherapeutic and/or medical treatment.


Participation in the retreats and courses is at your own risk. Neither the teachers nor the Felsentor Foundation can accept any liability for personal injury or damage to property that may occur during participation in a retreat. With your registration, you confirm that you have taken note of this disclaimer.